Brit rich kids spark fury in Bali with glam lockdown party posted on Instagram by influencer g

VIDEO of dozens of rich kids partying in a luxury villa in Bali amid the coronavirus pandemic has sparked fury online.

Outraged Indonesians slammed revellers including a British Instagram star and two Russian models who flouted social distancing rules at the birthday bash on Sunday.

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Video footage shared online showed a DJ playing as more than 20 glamorous Westerners boozed and mingled in the sprawling villa in North Kuta.

A Brit behind the camera jokes: "Nothing low key about this!"

Indonesia does not have a formal coronavirus lockdown but residents have been instructed to stay indoors and avoid gatherings.

It was reported that police have interviewed the playboy party host after the footage caused fury in the conservative country.

Social media users called the party "shameful" and called on those involved to be kicked out of Bali.

One said: "If you can't follow the rules, go back to your own country."

Another clip showed guests laughing outside with the caption: "Gassed up proper now".

It was posted online by Manchester-born tattoo model and influencer Tyrone Hermitt, who had 210,000 followers on Instagram but closed his account after a backlash online.

Tyrone - who romanced Ferne McCann on E4's Celebs Go Dating - posted an apology to "the Bali locals" online yesterday.

He said: "This was not my party. I apologise for attending. I did not realise there was going to be as much people at the party and it looked more busy than it was.

"I respect Bali and will be donating to some charities to help locals who are losing jobs and need help."

Tyrone was also seen riding a motorbike with a pal after leaving the party.

Also seen in the video are Russian social media star Ksenia Aldoshenko and model Dorokhova Ksenia.

The party was hosted by playboy pilot Mahmoud Attiya, originally from Egypt, to celebrate his 21st birthday.

He also apologised, telling local media alongside an official: "We are very sorry for all the trouble.

"We only invited few people but a lot of people showed up so we had a call from security and we closed the DJ and everybody left.

"We totally appreciate the Bali government and immigration and their support to help avoid Covid-19."


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Indonesia has struggled to impose effective lockdown measures as officials believe the millions of uneducated citizens will not follow rules on social distancing.

One village has hired actors dressed as ghosts to scare residents back indoors at night.

The country has also closed its borders, meaning tourists and expats already there cannot leave.

Tyrone said on social media he was in Bali hoping to start a business.

Couple left £7,500 out of pocket as tear in passport meant they were barred from entering Malaysia and Bali
