AN apple a day keeps the doctor away – but did you know beer, chocs and, er, mustard can also help? We told yesterday how regular tea and coffee can increase lifespan.
Katy Docherty prescribes another 13 things to eat and drink daily.

KIPPER – To help lower blood pressure

DAILY portions of herring, even in kipper form, can work wonders for your heart health.
The NHS recommends one serving of oily fish a week. But a recent study by Macau University of Science and Technology in China said a daily portion of kippers, containing 3g of Omega 3, will slightly lower blood pressure.
PEANUT BUTTER – For your heart

A DOLLOP of this for breakfast every morning can reduce risk of fatal heart disease by a fifth.
A US university study carried out over 12 years tested for the benefits of people eating 18g of the spread each day.
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BEER – For Type 2 diabetes

CRACK open the tinnies – it could just prevent Type 2 diabetes.
Researchers at Harvard and in the Netherlands found one to two beers a day in light drinkers can reduce the risk of the disease by 25 per cent. But the findings only applied to 12oz cans of beer – and not larger pints.
CHOCOLATE – For gut health

SOME chocolate is great for your waistline but only if eaten in the mornings.
A Spanish study from the University of Murcia found women who did this daily for two weeks lost weight. Those eating it in the evening had no change.
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STRAWBERRIES – To lower risk of cancer

A FEW strawberries every day can help pack a punch against throat cancer.
Ohio University gave 36 people with pre-cancerous lesions 2oz of freeze-dried berries a day for six months and the lesions improved.
APPLE – For lower cholesterol

WHY have just one a day when two are twice as healthy?
Researchers at Harvard found fibre and antioxidants in apples can lower levels of cholesterol. Eating two apples reduced artery fat by ten per cent – and three by 13 per cent.
BROCCOLI – For workout recovery

IF you ache after workouts, try eating this fabled vitamin-packed superfood.
A study in the British Journal of Nutrition found three servings a day reduced muscle soreness. You will then be ready sooner to get back in the gym.
BRAZIL NUTS – For better skin

MUNCHING two to three of these a day can work wonders for complexion.
A handful has enough skin-soothing selenium for the recommended daily intake. The nuts help against sun damage, and stop wrinkles appearing.
SPROUTS – To reduce risk of chronic illness

BRUSSEL sprouts are top of few shopping lists except at Christmas – but should be.
A Dutch study found they help reduce inflammation and DNA damage, and ward off Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s if eaten daily.
COFFEE – For good memory

THREE or more cuppas a day make you extra alert – but also smarter.
One study set mental tasks for those who had this much caffeine and others who had less, and the former did much better.
ARTICHOKES – To combat stress

THESE are packed full of prebiotics, helping to grow good bacteria in your gut.
Studies have shown that eating 5g of these every day can help fight stress and depression. The veg is rich in potassium and magnesium – both stress-busting vitamins.
PORRIDGE – To reduce risk of autoimmune disease

A BOWL a day can reduce inflammation – and risk of potentially serious illness.
Inflammation is useful to counteract toxins and bacteria in the body.
But too much can be linked to asthma or even cancer.
MUSTARD – To lower risk of dementia

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A SPOONFUL of wholegrain mustard every day can keep your brain healthy for longer.
A Cardiff University study found the condiment reduced blood cholesterol by ten per cent. As a result, risk of vascular dementia, as well as heart disease, fell.