Pick and mix sweets ranked in order of calories - and it's good news for those who love foam bananas

IT is a truth universally acknowledged that you can never venture into a branch of Wilko or a humble Cineworld without treating yourself to a bag of pick and mix. Right?

From fizzy cola bottles to chocolate mini eggs (at ALL times of the year, we hasten to add), there is literally something for every taste in this personalised sugary treat.

But have you ever actually wondered about the nutritional value of your all-time favourite sweets?

Okay, so neither have we.

However, the calorie content of our pick and mix must-haves (based on Candy King's nutritional information at Cineworld) has got us rethinking how often we treat ourselves to sugar-laden goodie bags.

So how do YOUR favourite sweets fare in this round-up of calorie loaded treats?

10. Sweet Bananas - 30 calories, 0g fat

Sadly, the sweet foamy banana treats kickstarts our list of the top 10 worst calorie offenders.

Something of a marmite pick and mix treat, the sweet yellow bananas contain 30 calories each.

And considering how small they actually are, this is a fairly hefty amount.

Plus, it's totally impossible to have just one...

9. Giant Snowies - 30 calories, 1.3 g fat

Okay so this one didn't take us completely by surprise.

After all, the white chocolate circles are then finished off with a generous dusting of sugary sprinkles.

Despite containing 30 calories a pop, it's probably going to take a lot more to convince us to swear these off for life... #sorrynotsorry.

8. Pink and White Mice - 44 calories, 2.4g fat

Let's be honest, pink and white mice are an oldie but a goodie.

But considering they're effectively strawberry and vanilla-flavoured chunks of pure chocolate, we were never under any illusions about their hefty calorie content.

If anything, we were pleasantly surprised that they contain just 44 calories each... someone pass the pick and mix scoop please.

7. Mini Strawberry Pencils - 55 calories, 0.4g fat

Now this one broke our heart a little.

Because although we always knew this classic treat is effectively white fondant wrapped in a equally sugary strawberry coating, that never stopped us treating ourselves to a few (or the entire pack in one sitting) before.

With that in mind, unless you have the willpower of a saint and can simply stick to one 55 calorie sugary stick, it's probably best to lay off them for a while...

6. Vanilla Fudge - 59 calories, 1.8g fat

Tragically, fudge lovers do not fare well in this list of calorie worst-offenders.

Although we're used to only treating ourselves to a square or two (everyone knows the sugary weight of fudge really amps up the pick and mix prices), a single cube of vanilla fudge contains a whopping 1.8g of fat.

Not to mention hefty 59 calories for what is a short-lived melt-in-the-mouth treat.

5. Giant Cola Fizz - 61 calories, 0g fat

So the fact that these cola fizz bottles are 'giant' pretty much gives the game away on this one.

Because while an ordinary sized fizzy Haribo cola bottle only contains 26 calories, these giant-sized treats take the sugar high to whole new levels.

On the plus side, at least there's no fat.

4. Crispy Bite - 62 calories, 2.2g fat

Not familiar with the technical term for this sweet? It's effectively the bite-sized Toffee Crisp with the addition of fudge.

Which, as we know by know, is one of the worst calorie offenders.

But add chocolate and cake into the mix and it'll come as no surprise that this pick and mix option is one of the worst. And we're nothing short of devastated tbh.

3. Duo Fudge - 66 calories, 2.8g fat

Fudge strikes again... and this time it's all our all-time favourite, the humble duo cube.

Just like its Crispy Bite predecessor, combining chocolate with fudge undoubtedly makes for a delicious treat.

But at 66 calories a cube, this sugar-laden sweet (also containing an enormous 2.8g of fat) is one best reserved for every other pick and mix session... *sobs*

2. Chocolate-covered Brazil Nuts - 81 calories, 5.1g fat

Anyone else feel like the absolute beacon of health whenever they add a scattering of chocolate-covered brazil nuts to their pick and mix bag? Just us?

Well along with a healthy dose of magnesium, vitamin E and unsaturated fat, this somewhat healthier option contains the second highest number of calories out of all the sugar-filled options.

Instead, you'll find us tucking into a bag of chocolate-covered raisins (containing just 9 calories each) from now on...

1. Yellow Belly Snakes - 210 calories, 0.1g fat

So we always knew that these ginormous snakes were going to be high up on the list.

But at 210 calories each, these gummy treats contain more than double the number of calories than their runner-up.

Having said that, anyone who has ever treated themselves to one of these pick and mix classics will be aware of the sheer size of them...

And if you ask us, the fact that they only contain 0.1g of fat totally justifies still having a yellow belly snake every now and them, amirite?


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