COPS were forced to turn Bank Holiday customers away at a B&Q store after 400 cars turned up to collect online orders — causing "gridlock" on surrounding roads.
The DIY and hardware giant had closed its shops during the coronavirus lockdown — but customers are still able to select goods on its website to pick them up.
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Coronavirus deaths in the UK today reached another grim milestone of more than 11,000 after 717 more people lost their lives.
However, despite the ever-worsening spread of the killer virus, hundreds of shoppers arrived at the B&Q in Nottingham's Riverside Retail park eager to collect their online orders.
With an overload of customers, police were drafted to help with traffic management as Britain enters its fourth week of lockdown.
Officers parked a van across the store's car park entrance and told motorists to come back later — in some cases a different day — to collect their shopping.
Assistant chief constable Steve Copper, of Notts Police, said: "A lot of people have been using the B&Q click and collect service, but what has happened is a lot of people went to collect their items at the same time this morning.
"There were quite a lot of cars on the roads and slip roads — at one point the estimate was 400.
"We have been working with B&Q and keeping the main roads open.
"We are not banning people or closing it — we want B&Q to keep the store open."
There were quite a lot of cars on the roads and slip roads — at one point the estimate was 400
Steve CopperPolice were also making sure customers kept to social distancing guidelines.
A spokeswoman for B&Q said: "We can confirm that the police have been on site at Riverside Retail Park in Nottingham to support our team with traffic management."
Writing online, shopper Kelle Revill said police had "blocked" the entrance to the car park.
She added: "I was there and they told everyone to turn around and go home despite having orders to collect.
"The roads were gridlocked so I'm not surprised.
"I ordered Saturday and it says mine's ready but I got there just as the police did and they turned us all around, so I don't know when I can pick mine up now as it says they only keep it for two days."
Others criticised customers who made the trip, saying it wasn't "essential" travel.
Helen Murray wrote: "People are saying about essential buying, but why so many that it's causing congestion?
"It looks to me that they are just ignoring social distancing and lockdown because it's a bank holiday."
Wendy Whiley posted: "How is DIY essential?
"I know it's something to do whilst locked away indoors and that, but food and medicine is essential — get real people!"
While most people spent Easter on lockdown, some Brits continued to ignore restrictions — determined to enjoy the weekend sunshine.
Temperatures rocketed to 26C in some parts on Saturday and Sunday, as the Government urged people to stay indoors over the bank holiday weekend.
However, this didn't stop some flocking to parks and beaches, with pictures across the country showing police moving sunbathers on.
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