I tried vaginal bleaching on my lunch break as a treat for my boyfriend... and the sex afterwards wa

ENTERING the HB Health Clinic with my boyfriend Freddy, it felt like just like one of our normal spa dates - only today I was in for some pampering of a more intimate kind.

I was booked in for vaginal bleaching. Having just celebrated my 31st birthday in Paris, it seemed like the ideal time to treat myself - and Freddy - to a brighter, more youthful vagina.

We are approaching our first anniversary together, and a new bright pink vagina seemed the ideal gift to give my boyfriend.

While I’ve never been criticised for the colour or appearance of my intimate area, I certainly feel that as a woman I deserve to take control of my body and seek beauty treatments that help me feel comfortable in my own skin.

Much like putting on a pair of high heels or wearing mascara, when you look your best you feel your best - especially when it comes to spending special moments with a loving partner.

With age, skin in your intimate area darkens and becomes more textured and prune-like. But this procedure helps to reverse that, leaving it soft and pink. It’s the ultimate makeover for mums.

Just as I’d imagine men worry about the shape, size and performance of their manhood - totally unnecessarily of course - as a woman I feel the same insecurities about pleasuring my partner after having children.

Vaginal whitening is a quick and convenient procedure, something that fits perfectly into a lunch break.

To have my vagina lasered, I had to have my contraceptive coil removed first as no metal can be inside the womb during the treatment. Switching to the pill was a sensible option for us because it makes family planning more accessible should we wish to have children in the future.

The vagina also has to be dried with a swab to remove moisture. My procedure was performed by Dr Minoo Madhok, who applied a numbing cream to the area while I lay down, protective eyewear in place, with my legs parted as if for a smear test.

The treatment involved lasering the skin of my labia majora (the outer part of the vagina). After several short bursts of light and a slightly warm sensation, the treatment was complete in around 30 minutes.

It seemed the ideal opportunity to have my vagina tightened at the same time - a very beneficial procedure called MonaLisa Touch that the same laser equipment is most commonly used for.

This time Dr Madhok attached a C02 fractional laser (in the form of a slim metal rod on a handpiece) which was inserted into my vagina and the laser pulses stimulated new collagen production within the vaginal wall.

Vaginal rejuvenation can benefit every woman of child-bearing age upwards and the tightening coupled with the heightened sensation it promises is something that my boyfriend and I are very excited about. It’s reignited the spark from the honeymoon period of our relationship.

Similar to the results of having Botox and fillers to the face to remove fine lines and wrinkles, the MonaLisa and vaginal whitening procedure is a total rejuvenation for the vagina that totally turns back the clock.

It’s the most liberating feeling to know that my intimate area is now permanently plumper, brighter and lighter in appearance. To feel attractive “down there” is fantastic and something I couldn’t recommend more highly!

We were meant to abstain for a week but four days later we couldn't contain ourselves...

After all we normally have sex twice a day.

I have quite a high pain threshold so it only really felt tender for the first couple of days - slightly warm like I had been sat on a heated car seat, but not painful.

Now I don’t feel anything and the slight redness immediately after treatment has faded to a pale skin colour which is lovely.

It’s noticeably ‘plumper’ looking.

And it looks younger because it’s lighter and smoother.

The inner workings are amazing! We were both very excited to find out what it would be like, and whilst we both typically enjoy rather rough fast and hard sex we were slightly cautious and tender which made it feel all the more incredible to make love.

What does the treatment involve and how does it work?

Laser Vaginal Bleaching aims to permanently remove darker coloured tissues in the vaginal area, or even in the perineum.

The operation takes place using a latest-generation special laser, on three or more sessions, depending on the case and is usually every session needs 10-15 minutes to be completed.

Through the laser usage, the removal of the melanin layer present in the sensitive area becomes possible, and thus the source of the undesirable colouring is treated.

The procedure takes place following an appointment and is performed using local anaesthesia.

In the post-operation period, special care should be given to hygienic care of the area, and it is recommended that the first sexual intercourse takes place following 3-4 days after the session.

Vaginal bleaching costs £500 per session, and there's currently a promotional offer for three sessions for £1,000.

I was expecting it to feel tighter as it states in the description of the treatment which it certainly is, but the sensation is the main difference for me.

It’s like adding an extra level of awareness, everything ‘feels more’ and as such pleasure is heightened. I guess when couples use tingle lubricant to increase blood flow and sensitivity, the inner tissue of the vagina is more responsive and attentive which we both majorly enjoyed.

We only have one body, and I intend to keep mine as healthy, youthful and attractive as possible for (primarily) myself and also my partner – after all, a happy wife is a happy life.

We shouldn’t shy away from intimate health issues, nor hide our insecurities from our partners. If we’re all a little more open and honest about our body hang-ups and concerns then we’d realise that there are treatments and procedures available that can fix almost anything in this day and age!

Freddy says: “I think Tracy is perfect the way she is, but I know she felt insecure about having had children and the effect it had on her body.


“If this is something that makes her feel better then I’m glad that it’s quashed her insecurities. Of course I’ll support her with whatever she chooses to do. People should be happy the way that they are, but if there is something that they feel particularly insecure about that can be changed then embarrassment shouldn’t ever stop them.”

To book an appointment at HB Health, click here. Follow Tracy on Instagram.

Tracy previously had anal bleaching - and said it made her feel like a virgin again.

She also auditioned Freddy at a fertility clinic before they started officially dating.

Vagina highlighter is now a thing — Here's what it does
